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ABC Cork Co

Liquid Oak Extract (1 L | 33 oz)

SAVE % $34.95 CAD

Liquid Oak Extract: Age Your Wine to Perfection Instantly 

Effortless Elegance: Revolutionize Your Winemaking with Liquid Oak Extract

Transform your winemaking with our Liquid Oak Extract (1 L | 33 oz), a groundbreaking solution for novice and experienced home vintners. This Canadian-crafted essence condenses the essence of traditional barrel aging into a convenient liquid form, offering a rapid-aging alternative for your wines. Whether you're an enthusiast exploring "Wine making kits for home enthusiasts" or a hobbyist seeking a "Step-by-step guide to brewing beer at home," this extract is your secret weapon to swiftly achieve a mature and complex wine character.

Key Features:


Q: How does the Liquid Oak Extract impact winemaking? A: It infuses wines with the traditional oak barrel character, enriching flavor and complexity.

Q: Is this extract suitable for brewing beer or distilling spirits at home? A: Its versatility extends to enhancing beers and spirits, adding oak notes to your craft beverages.

Q: What advantages does Liquid Oak Extract have over traditional oak aging? A: It offers a time-efficient alternative, delivering rich oak flavor without the lengthy aging process.

Q: How should I store this extract to maintain its quality? A: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to preserve its flavor and aromatic properties.

Embrace the future of winemaking with Liquid Oak Extract. It's more than just an additive; it's a revolution in a bottle, blending traditional oak character with modern convenience. Elevate your homebrew to a new level of sophistication; one stir at a time.

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