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ABC Crafted Series

Elderberries (50 g | 1.7 oz)

SAVE % From $3.00 USD

European Elderberries: The Essence of Artisan Winemaking

Refine Your Vintages with Exquisite European Elderberries 

Our European Elderberries, weighing 50 g (1.76 oz), are a treasure for home winemakers and craft enthusiasts who aspire to create wines with depth and character. These premium berries, known for their remarkable influence on wine's structure and flavor, are essential for anyone looking to craft outstanding elderberry wine or enhance the body and complexity of red wines.

Key Features:


Q: How should I use elderberries in winemaking? A: For elderberry wine, use 4 ounces per gallon. Use 1-2 ounces per 5-6 gallons for red wine enhancement.

Q: Will adding elderberries make my wine sweeter? A: Elderberries contribute natural sugars that ferment, adding depth and a subtle natural sweetness to the wine.

Q: Can elderberries impact the mouthfeel of my wine? A: They contribute to a fuller body, enhancing the wine's texture and mouthfeel.

Q: Are these elderberries suitable for diverse winemaking styles? A: Their versatility makes them a fantastic choice for novice and experienced winemakers.

Q: How do elderberries affect the wine's structure? A: They add complexity and improve the structure, yielding a more balanced and well-rounded wine.

Q: Where are these elderberries sourced from? A: Our elderberries are selected to reflect the rich European winemaking traditions, known for their exceptional quality and flavor.

Choose our European Elderberries for an elevated winemaking experience. Whether you're crafting a dedicated elderberry wine or seeking to enhance your red wines, these elderberries are the key to unlocking profound flavors and intricate structures in your homemade vintages.

Unit Quantity

  • 1 EACH
  • 12 CASE
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