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Auto Siphon Clamp (3/8 in | 9.5 mm)

SAVE % From $2.00 USD

Secure Your Siphoning: Auto-Siphon Clamp for Effortless Brewing 

The Auto-Siphon Clamp is a must-have accessory for your brewing needs. Designed for 3/8 inches (9.5 mm) Auto-Siphon, this clamp is your solution to prevent unwanted yeast and sediment transfer. Say goodbye to messy siphoning processes and embrace efficiency.

Key Features:


Q: How does the Auto-Siphon Clamp work? A: It securely clamps to buckets, carboys, and gallon jugs, holding the Auto-Siphon above sediment to prevent unwanted transfer.

Q: Is it compatible with different containers? A: Yes, the Auto-Siphon Clamp is designed to work with various containers, making it versatile for your brewing setup.

Q: How do I use the clamp? A: Snap it on, slide it down to secure your Auto-Siphon, and snap it off when you're done.

Q: Which Auto-Siphon sizes are the clamp compatible with? A: You can choose between two sizes: 3/8" for Regular and Mini Auto-Siphons and 1/2" for Large Auto-Siphons.

Unit Quantity

  • 1 EACH
  • 6 CASE
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