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Boun Vino

Mini Jet Filter Filtering Machine

SAVE % From $147.00 USD

Craft Clarity: Buon Vino Mini Jet Wine Filter

Elevate your craft winemaking with the Buon Vino Mini Jet Wine Filter, the ultimate solution for small-scale winemakers and home hobbyists. Specially designed for those producing wine from kits, this compact wonder delivers commercial-grade results in your home cellar. Filtering up to 23L (5 gallons) at a time is the key to achieving that coveted crystal-clear, sparkling finish that transforms your wine into a masterpiece. 

Key Features:


Q: Is this Mini Jet Wine Filter suitable for beginners? A: Absolutely! It's user-friendly and perfect for both hobbyists and first-time winemakers.

Q: What's the filtering capacity of this machine? A: The Mini Jet can filter up to 23 liters (5 gallons) at a time, making it ideal for small-scale winemaking.

Q: How long does it take to filter 20 liters of wine? A: You can achieve this in approximately 15 minutes with the self-priming motorized pump.

Q: How does the triple filter system work? A: The three grades of pads (coarse, polish, and sterilizing) ensure your wine is clear and sparkling.

Q: Is it easy to clean up after use? A: Yes, the built-in drip tray and drainage tube ensure a hassle-free cleanup process.

Q: Can I use this filter with oak chips or seeds? A: Yes, you can, but we highly recommend using the Pre-Screen Filter to screen out large particles and prolong the pump's life.

Unit Quantity

  • 1 EACH
  • 2 CASE
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