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ABC Crafted Series

Craft Beer Starter Kit Pale Ale

SAVE % From $38.00 USD

Launch Your Homebrewing Adventure with the Craft Beer Starter Kit Pale Ale - A Canadian Brewing Experience 

Brew Your Pale Ale with Our Comprehensive Craft Series Beer Starter Kit

The Craft Beer Starter Kit Pale Ale, meticulously packed in Canada, is perfect for aspiring homebrewers eager to delve into the art of brewing a Pale Ale. This complete kit comes with everything needed to start, including high-quality ingredients and vital tools for brewing. It features an ABC Crafted Series Beer Kit and dextrose corn sugar to form the foundation of your Pale Ale. Additionally, the kit has all the necessary tools for fermenting, cleaning, racking, and bottling your beer.

Kit Contents:



Q: Is this kit suitable for beginners? A: It's designed for easy use and is perfect for those new to homebrewing.

Q: Can I reuse the equipment for brewing different types of beer? A: Absolutely, the equipment is versatile and can be used for various beer styles.

Q: What is the capacity of beer this kit can produce? A: It typically makes a standard batch size, usually around 23 liters.

Q: Does the kit include instructions for the brewing process? A: The kit has detailed instructions to guide you through brewing your Pale Ale.

The Craft Beer Starter Kit Pale Ale is more than just a set of brewing tools; it's a gateway to the enriching world of homebrewing. This Canadian-packed kit provides everything you need to create your Pale Ale, combining enjoyment and quality. Start your brewing journey with confidence and creativity!

Unit Quantity

  • 1 EACH
  • 3 CASE
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