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Taste of Portugal

Carbonated Water "Castelo Agua" 24 per Case (250 ml | 8.4 oz)

SAVE % $28.95 CAD

Effervescent Elegance: Castelo Agua – Refreshment with a Sparkling Twist!

Experience the Sparkle of Portugal in Every Sip! 

Castelo Agua invites you to refresh your palate with its naturally carbonated spring water, infused with the spirit of Portugal. With a high bicarbonate level and carefully adjusted carbonation, every 250 ml (8.4 oz) bottle promises a rejuvenating experience. Whether you're fine dining or simply seeking a crisp sip, Castelo Agua's bubbles bring a luxurious lift to any moment.

Key Features:


Q: What makes Água Castello different from other carbonated waters? A: Água Castello boasts natural carbonation and a high bicarbonate content, providing a unique taste and a smoother drinking experience.

Q: Can the bicarbonate in Água Castello help with digestion? A: Yes, bicarbonate is known to aid digestion, and its presence in Água Castello makes it a refreshing choice that can also support digestive health.

Q: Is Água Castello suitable for pairing with meals? A: Absolutely! Its crispness and bubbles make it an excellent accompaniment to any meal, enhancing flavors and cleansing the palate.

Q: What are the carbonation levels in Água Castello? A: Água Castello offers two levels of added carbonation to cater to different tastes, ensuring a delightful effervescence.

Q: How should Água Castello be served? A: Serve it chilled for the best experience – the cold temperature accentuates its sparkling character and refreshing taste.

Q: Are there any additives in Água Castello? A: No, Água Castello is pure carbonated water without any added flavors or additives, maintaining the natural essence of Portuguese spring water.

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